A grey squirrel stretches and pulls faces by Paul Brady

A squirrel looks to struggle as it takes part in a brief session of aerobics. The grey squirrel was spotted in a tree along the Titchfield Canal path, Hants.
Paul Brady, 64, from Southampton said, "I was observing the squirrel and was fortunate to capture its animated actions. It just suddenly went into a stretching spasm before becoming at rest and just sat there. It was an unusual set of actions and the squirrel also pulled an array of funny faces."
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Paul Brady, 64, from Southampton said, "I was observing the squirrel and was fortunate to capture its animated actions. It just suddenly went into a stretching spasm before becoming at rest and just sat there. It was an unusual set of actions and the squirrel also pulled an array of funny faces."
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© Paul Brady/Solent News & Photo Agency