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This darter uses its spear-like beak to catch stunned-looking fish as it hunts in a river. The expert fisher was snapped in the Keoladeo Ghana National Park in India by Mrinal Sen.<br />
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The 49 year old financial consultant said, “Darters usually target small fish but they won’t miss a chance when a big catfish comes along.”<br />
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“Darters are very fast when they hunt so it was very difficult to get these shots. My patience eventually paid off when I got these shots of the catching and tossing of a catfish.”<br />
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“Winter season is a great time to watch and photograph these birds in action here.”<br />
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Please byline: Mrinal Sen/Solent News<br />
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© Mrinal Sen/Solent News & Photo Agency<br />
UK +44 (0) 2380 458800